Pink Floyd co-founder and frequent Israel critic Roger Waters on Friday responded to comments made by long-time shock-jock provocateur Howard Stern, who recently slammed Waters for his anti-Israel positions on his radio show.
In an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine, Waters was asked about the comments made by "The King of all Media," who said earlier this month: "Israel has this tiny little country and it bugs the sh*t out of Roger Waters." Stern added "Where do you want the Jews to go, Roger? You want them to just go back to the concentration camp?"
Stern was commenting on a open letter Waters wrote to rock band Bon Jovi, castigating the group for playing a show in Tel Aviv less than three-weeks-ago, writing "Bon Jovi stands with Israeli settlers who burn Palestinian babies."
According to Rolling Stone, Waters responded with a brief reply: "I wouldn't waste a single one of my precious breaths on that a**hole, and I just did. That was a waste of breath. Let's move on."
Earlier in the interview, Waters insisted that his criticism was solely focused on Israeli government policy, and not aimed at citizens of the state.
"It's not the Israeli people, not Jews and not Judaism," Water said, adding "I would never dream of attacking them," according toRolling Stone.
In an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine, Waters was asked about the comments made by "The King of all Media," who said earlier this month: "Israel has this tiny little country and it bugs the sh*t out of Roger Waters." Stern added "Where do you want the Jews to go, Roger? You want them to just go back to the concentration camp?"
Stern was commenting on a open letter Waters wrote to rock band Bon Jovi, castigating the group for playing a show in Tel Aviv less than three-weeks-ago, writing "Bon Jovi stands with Israeli settlers who burn Palestinian babies."
According to Rolling Stone, Waters responded with a brief reply: "I wouldn't waste a single one of my precious breaths on that a**hole, and I just did. That was a waste of breath. Let's move on."
Earlier in the interview, Waters insisted that his criticism was solely focused on Israeli government policy, and not aimed at citizens of the state.
"It's not the Israeli people, not Jews and not Judaism," Water said, adding "I would never dream of attacking them," according toRolling Stone.