Hamas leader Khaledd Mashaal, who is currently on a visit to South Africa, said in a speech at a mosque in Pretoria, that Hamas was “opposed to ideological extremism.” Hamas, he claimed, has chosen the path of “moderation” and is not hostile towards anyone because of his belief.
“Hamas believes in a struggle against the oppressors,” he said.
Mashaal claimed that Israel was seeking to “divide in time and space” the Aksa Mosque so as to allow Jews to pray at the site. He also claimed that Israel’s actions were designed to “change the history and identity of Jerusalem by turning it into a Jewish city.”
He said that the “Jerusalem intifada” would continue until "Palestinians achieve freedom and the land returns to Palestine and its people.” Mashaal also drew parallels between Israel’s actions, including the construction of the security barrier in the West Bank, and the apartheid regime in South Africa.
“You in South Africa have achieved your freedom and the Palestinians are also aspiring to achieve their freedom,: Mashaal said.

“Hamas believes in a struggle against the oppressors,” he said.
Mashaal claimed that Israel was seeking to “divide in time and space” the Aksa Mosque so as to allow Jews to pray at the site. He also claimed that Israel’s actions were designed to “change the history and identity of Jerusalem by turning it into a Jewish city.”
He said that the “Jerusalem intifada” would continue until "Palestinians achieve freedom and the land returns to Palestine and its people.” Mashaal also drew parallels between Israel’s actions, including the construction of the security barrier in the West Bank, and the apartheid regime in South Africa.
“You in South Africa have achieved your freedom and the Palestinians are also aspiring to achieve their freedom,: Mashaal said.

Granted he is no moderate and neither is Hamas. The moderates in Israel don't win elections either. My guess is most if not all moderates in Israel and Palestine have been politically cleansed. They moved out to find greener pastures. The nut jobs remain and so this conflict has many years to burn itself out. My guess is the end would be apocalyptic. All sides will get their wish.
PETER.SM Joe420k • 44 minutes ago
Your idea of "moderate"?
Allowing millions of Arabs to move into Israel that has indefensible borders ?
That is the Arab demand on the table !
Go for it?
Joe420k PETER.SM • 33 minutes ago
A moderate would at least respond to the offer with a counteroffer not reject it completely without further discussion. Netanyahu only recently mentioned the Arab Peace Initiative in passing after 13 years sitting on the table. In any case, moderation is in the eye of the beholder. My guess is, from reading some of the posts here, some do view Netanyahu as a moderate. It just goes to show how the nut jobs are driving this train over the cliff.
disqus_qYW1xh742p Joe420k • 13 minutes ago
Why did Palestinians turn down these offers for statehood?1920, San Remo conference decisions, rejected1922, League of Nations decisions, rejected1937, Peel Commission proposal, rejected1947, UN General Assembly proposal, rejected1948, Israel's stretched out hand for peace, rejected1967, Israel's stretched out hand for peace, rejected1978, Begin/Saadat peace proposal, rejected1995, Rabin's Contour-for-Peace proposal, rejected2000, Barak/Clinton peace offer, rejected2005, Sharon's peace gesture, rejected2008, Olmert/Bush peace offer, rejected2009 to present, Netanjahu's offer of peace talks, rejected2014, Kerry's peace framework, rejected
Joe420k disqus_qYW1xh742p • 5 minutes ago
Your list is filled with historical lies and inaccuracies. What is true that Palestinians leaders in years past did miss many opportunities to close the deal but failed to do so out of STUPIDITY or whatever. The same can be said about Israel, whether you want to believe it or not. You can't move forward by looking at the rear view mirror. Time to move forward.
hadin Joe420k • 31 minutes ago
The counter offer is one of compensation to refugees and their descendants once their have a state to move to.
Joe420k hadin • 25 minutes ago
The Palestinian state the UN recognizes I'm guessing doesn't count? If that is the case, you need to throw visas along with the compensation.
hadin Joe420k • 22 minutes ago
Not a done deal yet, they still need to define and agree on borders. The UN didn't do that, only offered them a flag.
Jim S. Joe420k • an hour ago
You are comparing the head of an anti-Semetic terrorist organization to the Israeli government? How disgraceful and FALSE. You must work for Obama.
Joe420k Jim S. • an hour ago
I made no such comparisons. I pointed out the fact moderates in Israel don't win elections. Most moderates in Israeli's have already left - the same with the moderates in Palestine - and no secret the ultra orthodox fanatics on both sides today comprise of the majority. This site will cheer this news and that's fine because the other side is not lacking in fanatics as well. The war on the moderates and liberals is over in this part of the world. The fanatics won. They politically cleansed all liberal moderate voices. This is why you see what you see inside and all around Israel.
Jim S. Joe420k • 18 minutes ago
Wrong. Both religious and secular Arab leader are inciting and justifying terrorist attacks against Jews. No Jewish or Israeli religious leaders are doing the same against Arabs. Your comparison is obscene and wrong.
The attacks are happening for one reason only- the "Palestinian" leadership wants the elimination of Israel and to get rid of the Jews. That has ALWAYS been their goal. So they are inciting and justifying anti-Semetic terror attacks against Jews.
Meifumado Joe420k • 6 minutes ago
Take your pallywood videos and stick them where the sun don't shine.If you don't want to get hurt,don't attack.
lightharry Jim S. • 14 minutes ago
No Jewish or Israeli religious leaders are doing the same against Arabs.??????
SGB Joe420k • 26 minutes ago
Has it occurred to you that Israel has pretty good reasons not to trust Arabs? Six major wars; countless smaller ones; endless despicable acts of wanton terror that shock the conscience? Tell me -- how many missiles and mortars have the Afghanis and the Iraqis fired into the United States? How many American buses, restaurants, night clubs, theatres and aquariums have they blown up? None?Oh! Then why are you carpet bombing Afghanistan into smithereens -- and why, despite all this amazing show of firepower, is the Taliban enjoying such a comeback? Why is ISIS now a strong presence in Afghanistan?You're quite the hypocrite, do you realize? Capitulation is not the answer in dealing with Arab terrorists. It's ridiculous to require the victor in defensive wars to make any concessions whatsoever, in any event. Why don't you try walking in our shoes before you condemn us, petal?
Joe420k SGB • 12 minutes ago
Relax dude. No one is condemning anyone. Not suggesting you trust anyone much less the Muslims. I have walked in the Israeli shoes and Arab shoes. I see the fear in Israeli's eyes and have seen the desperation in Arab eyes. The situation needs resolution and if you view peace as capitulation then there is nothing to talk about. You fail to appreciate that a military victory is only as good as the political victory that follows it. This is where we are it. What is needed is the same determination and brain power Israeli's mustered to win wars to win the peace. It's hard work. War is the norm here. Peace is the aberration. You made peace with Germany. Americans made peace with the Japanese. Granted, since the concept of accepting defeat in not known in the Muslim world, a bit more challenging, but it has to be done or this unfolding tragedy will consume everyone.SGB Joe420k • an hour ago I'm not a "dude." I'm a woman. You can address me by rank, which is Major.Well, desperation in Arab eyes doesn't move me. I'm too much a student of history, and I know that there is absolutely nothing in any of the Hague Conventions, the rules which govern military conflict or any known international precept that requires the victor in a defensive war to relinquish nonsovereign territory thus acquired. For that matter, there is nothing in those conventions that requires the victor in a defensive war to relinquish sovereign territory thus acquired.The United States may have made peace with Japan, but I note for the record that the United States has yet to restore the ninety percent of the island of Okinawa that constitutes sovereign United States soil. And the over three million Japanese that were expelled to Honshu and Hokkaido remain there. They've never been allowed to return. For that matter, while Poland has made peace with Germany, I must have missed the part where Poland returned East Prussia and the Polish Corridor to Germany. I guess I also missed the part where Croatia (then Yugoslavia) has restored the entire province of Istria to Italy. Are Croatia and Italy at war? I didn't think so.On the other hand, Israel did restore the entire Sinai peninsula to Egypt, did we not? We uprooted 15,000 people to do it, but it bought us peace, albeit a cold one. We even uprooted Israeli Jews when we departed Gaza. Have you been paying attention, or do I need to recount the misery that that has brought to the people of Israel?What Israel is NOT going to do is uproot three quarters of a million Jews from Judea and Samaria. If the pseudo-"palestinians" want a state, they are free to try their luck in Gaza. Judea and Samaria are going to be annexed, and the pseudo-"palestinians" will not be permitted to remain. Of course Israel has the option of repatriating them to Jordan -- they are, after all, Jordanian citizens -- but expulsion to Gaza is preferable.The problem, you see, is the fact that the pseudo-"palestinians" are not in the least bit interested in a state of their own; nor are they interested in peaceful coexistence with the State of Israel. What they want is to supplant Israel. And we will not allow that to happen.
It is Gaza for them, or it is nothing. It is a gift that they do not deserve. And they had better tailor their behavior to show some appreciation. Of course you do realize that it would take Israel around one-half hour to completely destroy Gaza. Whomever may be left will be expelled to Europe.You let me know when the United States relinquishes sovereignty over Okinawa, okay? Not to mention a sizable portion of Germany. Do you have any idea how many military bases the United States retains in Germany? All of them sovereign United States soil under international law, by the way.You need to bring a better game plan and considerably more knowledge about international law before you challenge me. You won't look nearly as foolish.Joe420k SGB • 29 minutes ago " Of course you do realize that it would take Israel around one-half hour to completely destroy Gaza. "Don't tell me that. Tell that to your hysterical members of your tribe who are ready to drop a nuke on a 13 year old kid with a knife. Well Major, you made your point abundantly clear. Peace and justice are ideals you can care less for. You are not moved by human suffering outside of your tribe. You want to consolidate your military victories. You don't recognize the natives as having any rights beyond what your benevolence will offer them. Fair enough. I appreciate your honesty. May the best tribe win. Your career choice is perfect for your mindset. Killing and oppressing people should come easy for you.
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