Another forgetfull moment in the history of the Palestinian- Israel conflict. Elliot Abrams seems to hint he is divulging a secret when he tells Jewish Republicans the diplomatic initiatives undertaken recently by Secretary Rice was aimed at stopping other promising peace initiatives by the Arab League and EU. I guess once again we see the ugly head of Israeli rejectionism and sabotage efforts. It wasn't long ago when Ariel Sharon's advisor Dov Weisglass was quoted as saying the "disengagement plan was "formaldehyde" and it's purpose was to "freeze the process". So the pattern of rejectionism and deciet continues in Zion. It's beyond shamefull to have the Secretary of the State Rice play along with this charade. She is pursueing a policy that seems to put Israeli interests ahead of American interest. Elliot , Mr Felon, Abrams is another one of those Zionist hawks who never saw a peace process he didn't like to sabotage.
He was against Oslo and what better guy to put in charge of the Palestinian/Israeli peace track portfolio than this idiot?
Elliot Abrams is a Likudnik mole.
It shouldn't surprise anyone to learn that this bunch in Washington is working hard to sabotage efforts towards peace. Abrams record is well known, in Nicarague and El-Salvador, death squads and terrorism was the blunt instrument he used while in charge of that Central American portfolio.
Peace to the neocons is an anathema.