Joe420k • an hour ago The bravado by some Israeli's is breathtaking. It appears Bibi hasn't lost all his senses. He remembers all too well how the Al-Aksa Mosque has been the trigger point on many violent confrontations. Back in 1996 under his watch, hundreds died and Israel unloaded over 1.3 million rounds of bullets in a week or so after Palestinians learned of plans to tunnel underneath the mosque. Then of course the infamous visit by Sharon that lead to the second intifadah should be fresh in the mind of Netanyahu and Israeli's. Sadly, that Mosque has been a flash point to many confrontations over the decades. I personally think the decision to ban Jewish MK's is flawed. It doesn't address the underlying issue that the city is divided despite rhetoric to the contrary by some Israeli's. A comprehensive solution is needed in the most urgent way.Wordsear Joe420k • 30 minutes ago Decades? Centuries. My people traveled all the way from Europe to fight over it all, 7 or 8 hundred years ago.rachel Joe420k • 44 minutes ago The FRIGGIN' al aqsa has ALWAYS been the war cry as far back as 1929!
It is SOP with these Muslims.
And as far as tunneling? ARE YOU SERIOUS? The only tunneling is done by the Wakf looking for buried treasures.
And the City is only divided by the no go zones CREATED by blood list by these Muslims. Ride the light rail or egged lately? Thought not.Joe420k rachel • 24 minutes ago That mosque is a ticking time bomb. No shortage of fanatics on both sides of the religious divide who would not love to ignite some religious wet dream they have regarding it's significance to a divine plan.rachel Joe420k • 21 minutes ago You also realize that the Muslim incitement has INCLUDED the Western Wall and its Plaza? Happen just this last holiday. Pinning it ALL on al aqsa is buying into the Muslim inferiority complex.Joe420k rachel • 10 minutes ago I'm aware there is no shortage of incitement coming from the Muslim side and of course the religious zealots on your side. Having said that, there is no comparison to the brutal insane bloodletting in the name of Islam. It makes me nauseous to think about it. I'm referring to events outside of Israel - but I can see why being in the midst of that insanity only adds to Israeli suspicion and fear of the Muslims within.
Frank Cohen-Levin Joe420k • 23 minutes ago Well the clever thing would be never give them an excuse.Joe420k Frank Cohen-Levin • 20 minutes ago For how long you can continue to deny the implementation of "God's plan". We are one red heifer away from oblivion.Joe420k Frank Cohen-Levin • 8 minutes ago Too bad. You need to read up on the good book. That's the best part.
Wordsear rachel • 28 minutes ago Actually they tunnel looking for places to pop up and shoot or kidnap your people too. It was an obvious point you could have made. You must be upset right now to have not made it.