Monday, July 14, 2014
Once again Gaza is under attack!
What can be said that hasn't been said a thousand times already regarding the senseless slaughter taking place in Gaza today. What words can convey the piercing horror and deep despair that continues to befall the besieged people of Gaza. Enough already but we all know Israel is a beast that cannot be tamed. Why do I say that? I just look at history and I see a deliberate ethnic cleansing campaign - borderline genocidal, that has been on going for decades and the latest episode in Gaza is just one of many sad chapters we have seen perpetrated against the natives of Palestine. It is important to note that the 1.2 million residents of Gaza today where refugees who were ethnically cleansed from their homes in Palestine ( today Israel) back in 1948. These people were herded into camps in this tiny strip of land which today is the largest open air prison. When Israel complains about rockets being fired from there - but of course these people will resist their enslavement and eradication - and in predictable fashion the occupier, oppressor and tormentor will respond even more viciously than before to teach the misbehaving prisoners resistance is not an option. We have seen this scene play out for several decades now to ad nauseam. We are told resistance is not an option, going to the UN or ICC is not an option either and so what are an oppressed and enslaved people to do?
It is clear to me that Israel only wants the Palestinians to submit, go quietly, or die.
This is the only road map Israel has carefully built and nurtured over the years. Since submission is not going to happen, going away quietly is hardly an option - there is nowhere to go - and of course death - while for some I'm sure is an appealing option considering the hell they must go through daily, is in itself not going to happen.
Ok, so now we know the Zionist game plan. They leave no option for peace to develop - block moves by the UN or other bodies to intervene with the help of Uncle Sam, force the natives to resist - then when they do, Israel can clobber them harder. Brilliant. Israel can play the victim and that allows the IDF to go on a rampage with a get out of prison card given to it by the international community ( the West).
This begs the question, knowing all of this, seeing how nothing has been accomplished using violent resistance against Israel - other than giving Israel a pretext to destroy and slaughter - something Zionists already have wet dreams about - so why are the Palestinians - mainly Hamas now - so stupid as not to see the futility of their approach? It's more than futile, it is actually harming their cause -- beyond the obvious death and destruction that will befall them.
Nothing threatens Israel more than peace. Therefore, it is imperative to out smart those who have malicious intent. This requires a new approach - a completely new way of thinking. That means new leadership, which I don't see, and sadly that means more of the same for the foreseeable future.
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