I truly hope cooler heads prevail and we don't see a replay of another violent episode to this never ending saga of the Hatfield and McCoy feud. Enough is enough! I condemn this senseless act of murder. May everyone find peace of heart and mind. May a solution be found that ends all hostilities once and for all.
David Joe420k • 3 hours ago That's why there is no peace. Buddy below wants to go back 1400 years. And it's always the other guy. Good Christ.Joe420k David • 22 minutes ago I don't disagree with the fact there are way too many Islamic fanatics who want to return to the past. Islam as a religion has yet to make peace with modernity. Until that bridge is crossed, turmoil will continue to rule the Islamic world.
Michael Lumish Joe420k • 4 hours ago It is not a Hatfield and McCoy feud. The Arabs are the aggressors and have been for 1,400 years. The Jewish side is just trying to protect itself from Koranically-based genocidal anti-Jewish racism. Unlike with the Hatfields and McCoys, there is no moral equivalency.Joe420k Michael Lumish • 28 minutes ago I wasn't making any moral statements other than I hope peace prevails. This conflict does have two sides to it whether one side wants to recognize the humanity of the other or not. Today is tragic and sad beyond any words. And you know as well as I do, in the days or weeks to come, there will be Palestinians mourning their dead tenfold because of reprisals. The Palestinian murderer who killed Jews today also condemned the fate of many innocent Palestinians. Real solutions are urgently needed in the worst way for both people in this troubled land.