Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Continued Attacks on the New Labor Leader in the UK

    After concluding a ten-minute speech given at a pro-Israel reception in London Tuesday night, new UK Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn was heckled by an audience member after he failed to mention Israel by name in his comments.

    "Say the word Israel" a man yelled inside the packed auditorium where the Labor Friends of Israel event was being held before being ushered out by security guards, British daily The Telegraphreported.  The man, whose identity remains unknown, was not allowed back inside.

    The Labor leader looked in shock after the outburst was made, according to The Telegraph, which followed a speech on the importance of the two-state solution between Israel and Palestine.

    The 66-year-old has held a pro-Palestinian stance since entering Parliament, specializing in delivering fierce and often very direct criticism of Israeli policies. One of the popular leaders of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, his contribution to foreign affairs debates include diatribes about the behavior of Israeli troops or abuses of Palestinian human rights.

    During his speech, however, Corbyn struck a more moderate tone, stressing the need for dialogue among supporters on both sides of the divide, The Telegraph added.

    "The issue of the recognition of Palestine was very important," Corbyn said. "I hope we can promote and encourage that peace process and that dialogue. I hope that that means we are able to ensure the siege of Gaza or restrictions on Gaza are lifted; I hope that we can make progress on that way.”

    Corbyn in the past has called terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah "friends." The far-leftist has also been dogged by allegations of anti-Semitism.

    Meanwhile, other Labor MKs spoke out against UK Labor’s new leader and his professed friendship with Hamas and Hezbollah at the UK Labor conference in Brighton on Tuesday and at an adjacent Labor Friends of Israel event.

    Speaking on a panel, MK Michal Biran (Zionist Union), who attends numerous international Labor events, spoke of the awkwardness of a sister party being led by someone who is “friends” with Hamas and Hezbollah, calling it a “weird situation.”

    Biran said she thinks Corbyn does not realize “that Israel is the only place in the Middle East where you can see a gay parade. It is the only place in the Middle East where you have freedom of speech, equality for women.”

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      And Israel is the only place to maintain a military occupation going on 50 years. It's insane to think this can be swept under the rug by raising how wonderful Israel is by having a gay parade. I will be the first to point out all the positive things about Israel and Israeli culture . And all of the many contributions to science and technology but at the same time I see millions of people without any rights, their homes being stolen from underneath them, imprisoned, oppressed and live shackled lives by design. The same intelligence that has given so much to medicine and technology is also capable of creating something horrific as this ungodly occupation. Intelligence is a two edge sword. The old adage of being too smart for their own good might apply here.

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          Hi my name is Muhammad a Palestinian I live in the West Bank in a refugee camp my cousins live in Syria and Jordan in refugee camps I also have cousins who live in Israel with all the rights as every other citizen of that country I'm so jealous

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              His other cousin in America could vote, travel, move about without checkpoints freely and has Jewish friends. His neighbor is Jewish and grew up not knowing or caring the religion of people around him. He could be president someday if he choose to be despite the fact his religion and ethnicity is in the minority. I'm not here saying Syria or Jordan or any other Arab state is any better than Israel. Quite the opposite. That is why I expect more in how Israel treats it's non-Jewish natives. Don't insult me by talking about Israeli-Arabs when you know damn well this debate is about the 4 million currently denied the very rights you praise Israel affording it's non-Jewish population. Those who are currently under a military occupation/prison.

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                  Tell this to Admiral_ Moorer.

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                    Wait till they openly string the gays up in the streets of Gaza like ISIS and Iran does. You will be very quiet, then, almost content.
                    Google Palestinian gays flee to Israel BBC News

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                        Kurds have been under military occupation for centuries.
                        Millions of people without rights? Arabs in Arab countries??
                        Arabs in Israel get to vote.

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                            Who is occupying whom? Arabs in the cloak of Palestinians occupy the legal lands of Israel all these years. Palestine exists only in the tongues of the liers and people blinded by hatred!

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                                The "legal lands of Israel" extend to the limits of the borders described in UNGAR 181, unless and until different borders are negotiated and agreed.

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                                    Then kick out the illegals if that is what you believe. To imprison them for life for the crime of being not Jewish is inhumane.

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                                        Actually,the so-called occupation exists because your friends attacked-Israel in 1967-and lost.Had they won,they would have MURDERED all 2.3 million Jews then residing in Israel.You probably know that but regret that your friends lost.Tough.

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                                            At least get your facts straight. It was Israel that attacked first in 1967. The rest of your statement I tend to agree with. Had Israel lost any of it's colonial wars the outcome for the Jews would have been catastrophic. It's like arguing had the native Americans/Indians were able to defeat the Europeans, of course there would have been no shortage of the white man scalp afterwards. Colonialism is an ugly business. The issue remains what is Israeli going to do with the restless natives? Oppression only fuels an endless vicious cycle of violence. This fact is indisputable.

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                                                Here are the facts.Israel's then PM Levi Eshkol,offered Jordan a defacto non aggression pact on June 5,1967.(The outbreak of the war with Egypt was another matter altogether-though a case could be made that in blockading the Straits and shelling Nahal Oz,Egypt initiated hostilities.)Jordan refused and shelled Jewish Jerusalem.At that point,the Idf went into action.So yes,Israel did come into possession of Judaea and Samaria in response to an Arab attack.
                                                As for the unhappiness of those Arabs currently under "occupation",their unhappiness has to be weighed against what they would have done had they won in 1948 or 1967.More importantly though,were the IDF to evacuate Judaea and Samaria those same Arabs would start attacking pre-1967 Israel-probably within 24 hours.(See Gaza.)Sometimes Joe,there are no good options.

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