WASHINGTON — With Christmas just a day away, 30 U.S. Representatives, led by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA), have called on the Obama Administration to condemn the ongoing Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) attacks against Christians and other Middle East minorities as ‘genocide,’ reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).
The December 23rd letter, addressed to Secretary of State John Kerry comes in response to reports that the Obama Administration is set to characterize the ISIS attacks on Yezidis as genocide, but will stop short of similarly referencing the murder and destruction of Christians and other minority groups. “While it is hardly possible to overstate the brutality of ISIL’s attempts to destroy the Yezidis, an overly narrow finding would wrongly discount similar violence directed against other minorities in the region, with likely dire consequences for those minorities,” noted the letter. The Congressional letter cited the recent U.S. Commission on Religious Freedom (USCIRF) report which, “call[ed] on the US government to designate the Christian, Yazidi, Shi’a, Turkmen and Shabak communities of Iraq and Syria as victims of Genocide by ISIL.”
The effort is part of a broad outcry of concern by Congressional leaders, genocide experts and rights groups, including the ANCA, to secure a clear U.S. genocide determination regarding the anti-Christian atrocities, including calls for passage of various U.S. House and Senate genocide measures and Obama Administration’s determination. Hovsepian: “It’s Deja Vu All Over Again”
ANCA Western Region Chairwoman Nora Hovsepian outlined why the ANCA and the Armenian Americans are working hard with Assyrian-Chaldean, Greek and an array of human rights groups on securing the proper characterization of the ISIS genocide against Christians in this recent interview with the LA Daily News. “With respect to what’s happening in the Middle East now, it’s deja vu all over again. It’s like chapter two,” Hovsepian said. “Unfortunately, the United States’ policy at this point is baffling to us. Of course it’s a genocide against (Christians) as well. One of the reasons why it’s happening now is because it happened 100 years ago. (Turkey) got away with it then, with zero accountability.”
In Defense of Christians, A Demand for Action and ANCA leaders at the White House making the case for a US designation of ISIS anti-Christian attacks as ‘genocide’
Last week ANCA Legislative Affairs Director Raffi Karakashian joined In Defense of Christians (IDC) Executive Director Kirsten Evans, A Demand For Action Executive Director Steve Oshana, and renowned genocide expert Greg Stanton for a meeting with White House officials to make the case for the proper genocide designation. On the same day, ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian participated in a White House briefing on Syrian refugees, urging the US to close gaps in aid to Armenian and other Christian victims of ISIS and other Islamic extremist groups. In Defense of Christians Press Conference Spotlights Need for Immediate Action
The December 16th Capitol Hill press conference, organized by In Defense of Christians (IDC), a nonpartisan organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of Christians and Christian culture in the Middle East, brought the issue of the ongoing ISIS genocide front and center.
“When genocide has been committed or is looming the President and Congress should publicly say so and take robust actions to end it and ensure accountability,” explained Helsinki Commission Chairman Chris Smith (R-NJ), speaking at the press conference. “Any failure by President Obama to recognize the ongoing genocide against Christians would be irresponsible, indefensible, and unconscionable.”
Armenian and Assyrian American Congresswoman Anna Eshoo, who, along with Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) serves as Co-Chair of the House Caucus for Religious Minorities in the Middle East said, “This is history for my family that is repeating itself all over again. […] Future generations will look at us and ask ‘did they do anything?'
“We cannot underestimate the moral authority the United States has when we simply utter what is true,” stated Rep. Fortenberry, holding a photo of Christians shackled by ISIS abductors prior to their murder.
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) refuted arguments that labeling the slaughter of Christians ‘genocide’ is a form of religious bias. “It is not about a test of religion. It is about special protection for victims of targeted and systematic persecution.”
Internationally reknowned Genocide and human rights expert, Dr. Greg Stanton outlined how the ISIS actions against Christians meets the internationally agreed UN definition of ‘genocide’ and went on to explain why that designation is important.
“‘Genocide’ is a much more powerful word that ‘crimes against humanity,’ war crimes, ‘ethnic cleansing,’ or ‘atrocity crimes,'” noted Stanton, citing a 2007 study he and colleagues had conducted on the words used in The New York Times to describe the Bosnia, Rwanda, Kosovo and Darfur genocides. “We discovered that as long as ‘ethnic cleansing’ was used, there was no forceful action to stop it. As soon as the situations were called ‘genocide,’ forceful action resulted and ended the killing, except in Darfur where a UN Commission of Inquiry rejected the ‘genocide’ word.”
Stanton went on to identify the two most important reasons for the ‘genocide’ designation, explaining first that the word “more strongly justifies our broad coalition military support for Kurdish and Iraqi forces to defeat ISIS;” and second, “members of such groups are much more likely to receive preferential treatment as bona fide refugees under the UN Convention and Protocols on the Status of Refugees.”
Nina Shea, Director of the Hudson Institute Center for Religious Freedom, cited the importance of political advocacy by Christians and all Americans of good conscience in support of passage Congressional legislation characterizing the ISIS attacks as Genocide, and finished her remarks with a simple question: “To Secretary Kerry, Samantha Power, and President Obama I ask, ‘Where are you?'”
“In August of 2014 the Iraqi parliament decried the atrocities and crimes against humanity targeting religious minorities under ISIS as a genocide. Many others have done the same, including Pope Francis, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, and the world’s leading international association of genocide scholars. In Defense of Christians has been working hard to ensure that the United States government, both Congress and the State Department, do the same,” stated IDC Executive Director Kirsten Evans when opening the conference.
A Palestinian Orthodox Christian girl wearing a Santa Claus hat attends a Christmas mass at the Saint Porphyrius church early on Jan. 7, 2015 in Gaza City.PHOTO: MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/GETTY IMAGES
A Palestinian boy attends Orthodox Christian Palm Sunday Mass with his family at the Saint Porfirios church in Gaza City, April 13, 2014.PHOTO: REUTERS/SUHAIB SALEM
A Palestinian Orthodox Christian girl wearing a Santa Claus hat attends a Christmas mass at the Saint Porphyrius church early on Jan. 7, 2015 in Gaza City.PHOTO: MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/GETTY IMAGES
A Palestinian boy attends Orthodox Christian Palm Sunday Mass with his family at the Saint Porfirios church in Gaza City, April 13, 2014.PHOTO: REUTERS/SUHAIB SALEM
Hundreds of Christian Palestinians havereceived rare, temporary permissionto travel outside the besieged Gaza Strip this holiday season, and for many, a permit to leave might be their ticket to a new life. While most will spend Christmas with relatives in the West Bank, Israel or abroad, before returning home, some will also leave Gaza for good in something of an exodus.
"It gives Gazan Christians a fresh breeze of freedom in the sense that they can get out of that big jail called the Gaza Strip," said the Rev. Alex Awad, the former dean of the Bethlehem Bible College in the West Bank, who has worked in Gaza. "But every Christmas, I know of Christians who leave Gaza to celebrate and they never return back to the Gaza Strip, which means the final death of the Christian community continues."
In the last few years, most of the Gaza Strip's Christian population has fled as an Israeli-imposed blockade has worsened conditions there. Many have relocated to the Palestinian West Bank, and among Christians still in Gaza, there's an acute fear that the community could be nearing its end. Ten years ago, there were some 3,000 Palestinian Christians in Gaza; today, just a little more than 1,000 remain.
A Palestinian Greek Orthodox boy holds a candle as he attends Christmas services at the Saint Porfirios church in Gaza City, Jan. 7, 2013.PHOTO: REUTERS/SUHAIB SALEM
The prolonged blockadeof Gaza has strangled the territory's economy and has pushed the unemployment rate to the highest in the world. The World Bank has warned that the economy is on the "verge of collapse" and the coastal territory could be "unlivable" by 2020, according to the United Nations. Israeli officials insist the blockade — which severely hinders the movement of people in addition to goods in and out of Gaza — is necessary to prevent Palestinian militants from obtaining materials that could be used to build weapons. But Palestinians and human rights groups say it has unfairly hurt Gaza's civilians, prompting a massive crisis, as more than 80 percent of Palestinians now rely on humanitarian aid.
"The blockade is one issue, and also the threat of another Israeli attack," said Awad, who has moved to the U.S. and is affiliated with the United Methodist Church. "Who would want to endure Israeli bombardments in Gaza every 12 months or every two years, to live that nightmare of not knowing whether you are going to live through the bombardment or not?"
Many youth were already pursuing better jobs and safer futures overseas. For Christian Palestinians, permission to visit the West Bank or travel abroad during Christmas could be their rare opportunity out.
Since the current Hamas government was voted into power in Gaza in 2006, Israel has granted permission to leave to only a fraction of Gaza residents who apply. Permission to pass through the Israeli-controlled Erez border crossing in Gaza’s north is usually only granted under extenuating circumstances, like need for medical treatment or if a student can produce proof of acceptance into an educational institution abroad.
Although most of Palestinian society is Muslim, Arab Christians have been part of the region's fabric since the earliest days of the faith. They work all sorts of occupations — from doctors to teachers to merchants — and they're considered well-educated and relatively wealthy. Most Palestinian Christians — about 52,000 — live in the West Bank. In both the West Bank and Gaza, they operate their own schools, and many are attended by Muslims, as well. There are three official churches in Gaza, each representing a different denomination, but Awad said many also start up Bible groups in their homes.
"People are very worried" about the survival of the community, said David Wildman, the executive secretary for human rights in the Middle East for the United Methodist Church. He has made several trips to Gaza and has contacts with Christians on the ground there. "If you're a parent and your children are in their 20s and their life is ahead of them, what opportunity do they have? And if they have a chance to study overseas, do you say yes or no? The future of the community is the decision of each individual in each family."
Palestinian Christians pray on Christmas Day in the Saint Porfirios church in Gaza City, Dec. 25, 2011.PHOTO: REUTERS/IBRAHEEM ABU MUSTAFA
While many Christian Palestinians say their problems stem from the same issues facing all Palestinians — namely, the ongoing political conflict with Israel — the community has also been subjected to several attacks in recent years, as hard-line militant groups have gained a foothold in Palestinian territories. In 2009, a Gaza church was bombed by al Qaeda-influenced militants, but the incident was quickly condemned by government officials.
Gaza is ruled by the militant Hamas movement, and while the movement has been condemned by many Western governments for its terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians, experts said the militant group has protected the Christian population. Muslim officials and religious leaders have visited Christians in expressions of solidarity, and Wildman said he believed this Christmas, too, would be a time for Muslims to show support for the Christian community.
“There will be visits by some of the leadership in the Muslim community to extend hospitality to their Christian neighbors during their feasts, in the same way Christians would do that during Eid to Muslims,” Wildman said.
Although tensions between Muslim and Christian communities have sporadically heightened over the years, particularly at politically tense times, Gary Burge, a professor of the New Testament at Wheaton College in suburban Chicago, who has written extensively on Arab Christians, said Palestinian Christians have generally seen themselves as part of the Palestinian nation. They've also shared many of the same political grievances, he said.
Palestinian Greek Orthodox worshippers attend Christmas services at the Saint Porfirios church in Gaza City, Jan. 7, 2012.PHOTO: REUTERS/MOHAMMED SALEM
“Just like in any community, you’re going to have a degree of tensions, but the overall commitment to ending the occupation is bigger than any minor tensions,” said Burge, who has primarily researched Palestinians in the West Bank. “There’s a surprising unity among Palestinians about one cause, which is always the same, and that is ending the occupation ... Palestinian Christians feel as deeply as do Muslim Palestinians.”
In recent years, Palestinian Christians have pushed to have their plight heard by the wider Christian world. A number of Christian Palestinian groups have sprung up promoting Palestinian rights in the West Bank, but in general, Christians in the U.S. are often the most fervent supporters of Israel's government.
"They feel misunderstood. It's hard for them to realize that American Christians don't know they exist, so they feel invisible to the Western church," Burge said. "In the last 15 years, though, great strides have been made to make them visible, and there's sort of a change in discourse today."
In June, the Vaticanformally recognized Palestinian statehood, and the Presbyterian Church in the U.S. voted todivest from three companiesthat they said supplied Israel equipment to maintain its occupation of Palestinian territories.
Wildman said that even as the Christian community in Gaza has shrunk, and even as they are concerned their generation of Palestinian Christians in Gaza could be the last, there seems to remain a degree of optimism — one that he said emanated from their faith.
"I think there is both a desperation and a hope at the same time," he said. "The Christmas story in some sense reminds the community that the birth of a child hardly seems something to threaten an empire and turn the world around, yet that is precisely the story. The birth of a child makes all the difference."