I don't think anyone was shocked to find out Obama caved to Israel Lobby pressure in deciding to boycott the international conference on racism (Durban 2) at Geneva Switzerland. What we have seen recently is nothing new. A well orchestrated campaign by Zionists to get Durban boycotted and in the least discredit and tarnish the accomplishments there. It's not surprising Israel would not want to be part of a conference discussing racism, it's not exactly a topic Zionists can defend. We have seen this pattern before. We have seen campaigns in years past where Zionists would target a institution, a treaty, a cause or a conference or a individual. The tactic is to discredit and smear. The objective is to end debate, stop individual or group actions or deny a forum where criticism of Israel can take place. You won't see Israeli's be anymore inclined to attend a conference on banning land mines or banning use of cluster bombs anymore than attending one on racism. Israel operates like a rogue regime, outside the structures and norms of international organizations and treaties. Take out the fact this conference is on the topic of "racism" and let's say it was about "human rights" and of course, what we will see is the same campaign we saw being waged against Durban 1 and 2 or let's say it's about a Nuclear free Middle East? or how about a conference on joining the ICC? or a conference on nations ratifying the NPT treaty? Or a conference on banning torture? Banning home demolitions of civilians by state bulldozers? Banning illegal land grabs? Banning "targeted assassinations"?
The list is too long and so the M.O. of Israel has been to try to kill debates before they start. If that fails, and the issue moves forward to where a "conference" is held to debate it - even go beyond debate but to take action, Zionists work to discredit the effort and then lobby other nations using the reach of Jews worldwide to discredit and boycott it as well.