Saturday, October 24, 2015

The feud between Howard Stern and Roger Waters (Pink Floyd founder)

Pink Floyd co-founder and frequent Israel critic Roger Waters on Friday responded to comments made by long-time shock-jock provocateur Howard Stern, who recently slammed Waters for his anti-Israel positions on his radio show.

In an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine, Waters was asked about the comments made by "The King of all Media," who said earlier this month: "Israel has this tiny little country and it bugs the sh*t out of Roger Waters." Stern added "Where do you want the Jews to go, Roger? You want them to just go back to the concentration camp?"

Stern was commenting on a open letter Waters wrote to rock band Bon Jovi, castigating the group for playing a show in Tel Aviv less than three-weeks-ago, writing "Bon Jovi stands with Israeli settlers who burn Palestinian babies."

According to Rolling Stone, Waters responded with a brief reply: "I wouldn't waste a single one of my precious breaths on that a**hole, and I just did. That was a waste of breath. Let's move on."

Earlier in the interview, Waters insisted that his criticism was solely focused on Israeli government policy, and not aimed at citizens of the state.

"It's not the Israeli people, not Jews and not Judaism," Water said, adding "I would never dream of attacking them," according toRolling Stone.

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      Jews with their collective wealth can buy land a hundred times the size of Israel anywhere in the world. In fact, I would hazard to guess they currently own more land than a thousand Israel's put together. Howard Stern should know better living in New York where a few blocks can easily be worth more than a few countries GDP. I can list a few American Jews with over a million acres of land they own. God bless them. The point is the Jews are not clinging to this tiny sliver of land for dear life with no other option as Howard just expressed. The truth is, Jews will be welcomed anywhere in the world - and most already have a second passport. It is the Palestinians that 60 years have shown who are in a perilous situation with no where to go. They remain mostly in refugee camps, and yes, I agree it's a crime other Arab nations failed to absorb them, but I deal with what is, 60 plus years of misery without a state and homelessness is not something Jews should care about, but if Roger Waters has made it his cause to highlight their plight, no reason to go apeshyt over his genuine heartfelt concern over their suffering. I'm not saying Jews should pack up and go. I'm pointing out it's a canard to suggest Jews have nowhere else to go. The truth is, it is Palestinians who have nowhere else to go. I should point out I like Howard but he is a big doofus who can't see beyond his schnozzle. I love Pink Floyd music and God bless Roger Waters for speaking truth to power!

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          I'd like to see some of this "collective wealth" that the Jews supposedly have. I sure could use some of that right now. But no thanks. Israel is ours, not some other land even if it is a hundred times the size and natural resources.
          As for Roger Waters speaking the "truth", he has about as much substance as one of his inflated pigs.

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              You love Pink Floyd because you are a depressed 13 year old with father issues. Don't worry, you'll grow out of it.

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                  Mm they never had a state ever so what is the relevance of the last 60 years, did they ever idemand a state from any of the previous powers over and that says everything.

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                    Sorry I think you mean the Saudi's

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                        Rubbish, 2,000 years of history tells us that the Jew without his God given homeland is at the mercy of benefactors.
                        When he is a guest all is well, when he is at sufferance to his host he becomes a burden then a victim.
                        This is the history of the Jew through all cultures from the time of the Babylonian exile to the Expulsions of Medieval France and England to the Spanish Inquisition to the Holocaust in Germany just decades ago, your long winded rubbish is not truthful and an absence of thought.

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                          The 1929 Palestine riots, also known as the 1929 Massacres, (Hebrew: מאורעות תרפ"ט, Meora'ot Tarpat, lit. Events of 5689 Anno Mundi), or the Buraq Uprising (Arabic: ثورة البراق‎, Thawrat al-Buraq), refers to a series of demonstrations and riots in late August 1929 when a long-running dispute between Muslims and Jews over access to the Western Wall in Jerusalem escalated into violence. The riots took the form in the most part of attacks by Arabs on Jews accompanied by destruction of Jewish property. During the week of riots from 23 to 29 August, 133 Jews were killed by Arabs and 339 others were injured, while 110 Arabs were killed and 232 were injured, the vast majority by the British police while trying to suppress the riots.

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                            boo hoo hoo, the poor Palestinians have received $16 billion in the past 7 years. Poor old Palestinians, no sewage, no work, living in refugee camps. $16 BILLION!!!!. Where has all that money gone?.....just sit back and think for 2 seconds to where all that $16 billion has gone, and then defend the Palestinians.

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                                Money always ends up in the wrong hands. That is not news. America lost a trillion over in Iraq. Israeli banks were skimming Holocaust money from survivors. Life stinks and is full of shysters but that is not what this discussion is about. How many of the 100 billion Israel has gotten over the years went into anything but military and the military industrial complex. You had people protesting lack of affordable housing. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Having said that, no doubt the PA is a corrupt worthless entity that deserves nothing but condemnation.

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                                    America was given the money to rebuild its country, it belonged to America

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                                        That was your fvcking decision to go to war in Iraq, asshead. But somehow you Nutsy demons managed to find a way to blame Israel. Turns out Sharon warned Bush a move like that would only empower Iran, and spreading "democracy" around the region was a naive and stoopid idea.
                                        And what "Israeli banks skimming Holocaust money from survivors". 6 million Jews were murdered, by your Nutsy brethren. Entire families were wiped out, without survivors. Whatever was skimmed by "Israeli banks" is not even a fraction of the money that was stolen from the Jews.

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