Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Take two on the map of Palestine

Take one:

A factual report on the map that is technically inaccurate in the most minor way imaginable. The state was British Mandate of Palestine - not Palestine - and that technicality is the loophole
 (inaccuracy) Zionists used to criticize the map. Funny how no one disputes the other maps of never ending Israeli expansion.

Israeli headlines:

"MSNBC Airs Incorrect Map of Israeli-Palestinian Borders, Internet Explodes With Outrage"

Take two:

Watch Martin Fletcher, who is Jewish, take back his remarks and offer an explanation. Israeli media labeled it as an "apology". Not sure if I saw an apology there.

"MSNBC apologizes for airing inaccurate maps in discussion of Mideast".

They can't even say the word Palestine in the headline in any Israeli paper.

The truth is there has never been a map with the word Palestine in it that Israel has ever liked. Hence, the never ending conflict. The sooner Israel draws it's borders and finalizes it's own map the sooner we can get to the truth about Israeli intentions. For me, and I'm sure the majority of the world, it is no mystery that Israel wants as much land with as little of Arabs as possible. The borders are not drawn for the simple fact like an art piece it has to be complete first before you can frame it. The job is not done. The final solution remains a mystery(or not depending on who you ask). Arabs obviously fear the worst and can see the writing on the walls, literally, and they are not paranoid and psyched out without reason. They react in desperate ways, taking a knife to a gunfight. Or throwing rocks at tanks. The most desperate and depraved of all acts is to blow yourself up and take as many with you as possible. For some, this is the cost of expansion and view every Israeli casualty as a ticket to build more and steal more land and demolish more Arab homes. They also use it to further demonize and dehumanize their enemy.The Arabs view every casualty as more evidence of the inhumanity of the other side and they also demonize their enemy. The media will always be attacked by Zionists for uttering the word "Palestine". The word is like krypton to them. Martin Fletcher should have said, " a land without a people for a people without land" and ended with singing Hatikvah. What was he thinking to mention Palestine. Didn't he get the memo. He got put in his place real quick by the amen crowd.

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