Monday, November 2, 2015

"We will gas you til you die"

The occupational army is at it again. This time you can see for yourself how the natives are being threatened with annihilation with gas. Trying to control a restless people for over 50 years is an insane act.  It makes you do and say crazy things. Israeli's need to wake up and escape the death grip of the status quo. 

Transcript of the video: 
People of Aida Refugee camp we are the occupation army. You throw stones and we will hit you with gas until you all die. The children, the youth, the old people, you will all die, we won’t leave any of you alive. And we have arrested one of you, he is with us now. We took him from his home and we will slaughter and kill him while you are watch if you keep throwing stones. Go home or we will gas you until you die. Your families, your children, everyone we will kill you. Listen to me, all of you go home, it’s better for you.

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