Monday, November 2, 2015

3 Israeli's stabbed by Palestinian

Clearly a despicable act that cannot be justified. Speedy recovery to the survivors. I don't recall such violence from Israeli-Arabs in all the years of the first and second Intifadah. They never took part in the resistance and this development in recent weeks is new and hard to understand. Just goes to show you that no matter what defensive measures Israel takes and all the different scenarios supposedly checkmated, it always seems to get blindsided by unforeseen events. You take away the knives, what next, the forks become a weapon? What is needed is a serious attempt by Israel to make peace. To announce when the military occupation will end and to announce Israel's border. Israeli-Arabs are doing their cause a disservice when they engage in such violence. They are making the case for co-existence impossible. This strengthens the case for population transfer and this will make the right wingers happy. Honestly, if this continues, would be hard to argue against them. While the occupation is evil and wrong, such acts of violence are counterproductive and morally wrong.

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