Sunday, September 20, 2015

The talk of Abbas retiring

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      I take the view I don't care if Abbas and his gang all have Harvard degrees, what is clear, there is a great chance, I would say 99%, that if these characters were given a state you can rest assured it will be another failed Arab state. The old guard is the same as the new guard. You look around in that region, proof positive. A bigger question is what will Israel do during this interfamily squabble - besides being amused? Just sit and watch? Why doesn't BiBi take unilateral moves to end the conflict by disengagement. They are weak, divided, elections might be around the corner or not - or Abbas could drop dead tomorrow at his age and it becomes a free for all - so why not disengage - spell out your borders, your position on Jerusalem, refugees and everything and disengage. Consolidate
      (which is pretty much done with the wall inside the Wests Bank and Gaza complete) and work to codify internationally ( as it has been done domestically) these new realities. In either case, the dysfunction in the Palestinian side will be generational to resolve. Hamas and Fatah schism is a microcosm of what is wrong with the Muslim Arab world.
      Give them their failed state. Get out, Israel knows what to do if attacked. So why is Bibi cowering from this historical moment? He is not afraid of Arab reaction as what can they do about it? He is worried about the international consequences. The Palestinians have managed to win on the political front and this is the irony of the whole mess. As Israel wins battles on ground, Palestinian defeat and weakness becomes a strength in the political sphere. Go ahead, once and for all 60 plus years later, tell the world of Israel's borders? Every religious and ethnic clan has announced their new borders, from ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Kurds, why not the Jews?

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          Brilliant synopsis. (seriously)
          Just cut it down to about one third.
          First lesson in journalism, get your point across in the least amount of time.

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              The PLO is disintegrating, so why give them a state? Should you give them a rope to help themselves out of their situation or to hang themselves?

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                  You are not giving them anything. You are consolidating the gains made since 67. Mission accomplished. Unless you are into oppressing people for kicks, then not sure I understand your point. If they hang themselves - or end up butchering each other with knives - announce the borders and defend it. End of story.

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