Joe420k • a day ago
This is all too common for those not blessed to be part of the tribe and happen to be Arabic or look Arabic or have Arabic sounding name or simply be wearing a Pink Floyd T-shirt. My experience at Ben-Gurion Ariport has been nothing short of a Twilight Zone trip back to the future as a black man in Mississippi in the 1950's. No other way to describe it folks. It takes you aback, to say the least, especially if you have never experienced such in your face racism before. Need to do an experiment. Replace all the Jews in Israel with Jews in America and vice versa. How will Israel be different in it's treatment towards the "other"?
Adam Joe420k • a day ago
My experience was very similar. I was never treated like this before, nor after. Granted, nothing was stolen from my luggage. But there was nothing to steal in it.
Don Basson Joe420k • a day ago
Sounds like a troll with 36 total posts and a private profile.Yeah, Ben Gurion airport treats you just like "a black man in Mississippi in the 1950s. No other way to describe it folks." Were you lynched? Made to sit in a segregated counter? Subjected to attack dogs?Cut the Shiite.
Joe420k Don Basson • a day ago
I was going to make a comment about lynching and to say " no I wasn't lynched..but" and thought better of it. I took into account the readers of this forum are much smarter than that. I see I was wrong. So unless I'm lynched my experience is not worthy of mentioning? No problem dude. Have a good life.
Justsomeone Joe420k • a day ago
Don't twist our words, security arrangements in airports are required to protect everyone (you included), if we remove said arrangements, then we are sitting ducks for terrorists to hijack or blow up airplanes, do you want that?
Joe420k Justsomeone • a day ago
I'm all for security. That is why I have no problem taking off my shoes and belt and all my carry on items at airports in the US and abroad. The issue here is racism. It's real and no matter how much lipstick you put on this pig, it's still a pig. The only way you might come close to understanding what I'm talking about is to have in our airports in the states a special line for Jews only. Have all the gentiles move freely without any hindrance or delay while the Jews are herded into a cramped interrogation room with no windows - where they have to sit for hours while being prodded to no end. We are talking about old Jewish women and men, and young children with no regard to their physical condition. I don't know what the solution is because I understand other Jews are not a threat but some Muslims might be. But how many American citizens were ever involved in terror acts at Israeli airport? Can we start from that point, TO TREAT AMERCIAN CITIZENS OR FRENCH CITIZENS as Jews want to be treated in those countries? I'm an American but of Palestinian descent and nothing pissed off security officials more than when I spoke English. He demanded I speak Arabic. I of course responded by saying I will speak Arabic when you start speaking Russian. It didn't go down well but that's life.
Justsomeone Joe420k • a day ago
There are many Jews here who were subject to the same treatment as yourself, some Jews and Israelis here shared their stories about the B-G airport, try to understand the other side before making such a claim, I too was body-searched(entire body) in an airport in London(because I looked Arab), but I understood why it was needed, did you forget 9/11 already?We can't repeat the mistakes of the past, that being said, if you were mistreated, you should tell the people in charge to take care of it.
Joseph Kelsall Justsomeone • 21 hours ago
Did you forget the film crew in New Jersey contemporaneously documenting 9/11?
Joe420k Justsomeone • a day ago
I complained to my Senator when I got back home. He told me in robotic fashion:" Israel is our greatest ally in the Middle East". I said ok, what about the mistreatment I received at the airport. He comes back to say:" Israel is our number one ally in the Middle East". Ok, I got it, you love Israel, ( watching the debate last night brought back that conversation I had with the Senator)...but what about American citizens being mistreated by a country we gave a 100 billion in aid over the years? Shouldn't you contact someone to complain? Like maybe the Israeli Ambassador?He said:" No, there is nothing I can do. Israel is our best ally in the Middle East". Ok....that went well.
Joe420k Justsomeone • a day ago
Actually, I try to forget 9/11 and all negativity in the world. I don't believe in rehashing past tragedies much less commemorating those dates. Nothing personal as I know this view is foreign to some - especially to Jews. That is why I'm able to be positive about Israel despite my horrible experience and my misgiving with many of it's policies towards the natives. All I'm saying is this hatred or fear of the other has to be tapered with common sense. It starts with treating Americans as Israeli's would like to be treated in America. That is a simple proposition. They can discriminate against the Belgians, or Germans or whoever, but not Americans since my tax dollars go to pay for that rat hole of a place.
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