Friday, September 25, 2015

US welcomes Saudi Arabia’s leadership role on UNHRC advisory group

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    New Rule, no country can be on the UNHRC if that country denies women the right to drive a car. This whole thing is a joke. No country in the Middle East is worthy to be on that council. All have blood on their hands. Post Ottoman era has not been kind to tranquility. The maps will keep changing for years to come. Saudi Arabia has been the lynch pin fueling ALL that is bad with Sunni Islam today. It's no secret what they have been up to, using their enormous wealth to expand their version of Islam on a global scale. The chickens have come home to roost a million times over. Insane how the world looks the other way while Saudi Arabia has a record worthy of nothing but condemnation. They play the political game as good as their neighbor up north. And could match them dollar to dollar. Israel doesn't seem to be bothered with their good neighbor fueling the ever expanding Jihad nation. A interesting dance between two powerful tribes that claim to represent their religious cohorts across the globe. They view their role as divinely inspired as guardians of the sacred land. And of course, the good book each side claim came from the heavens. Be curious to see how much political capital Israel is willing expend to criticize the addition of Saudi Arab to this council. My guess, not a peep.

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        The UNHRC would be obsessed with Israel, regardless of who the policymakers are. So, it's actually in Israel's interests for it to be a rogues gallery. American voters, on the other hand, should be questioning the rectitude of their government's participation in such a farce.

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            I beg to differ. No one is safe if Wahhabi Sunni Islam continues it's death march across the Middle East. That includes Israel. Look around and see how the neighborhood is up in flames. The call for the jihadists to march to Mecca and Jerusalem might get louder as they expand south.

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