Saturday, September 19, 2015

Dystopia in today's Middle East

What cannot be argued is how the Middle East has entered into a dystopian realm. To those on the Israeli right who believe the solution involves transferring the Palestinians to Jordan need to re-examine that position. The idea Israel will add more to it's lifespan by transferring the hostile natives across the Jordan River to where there can be no illusion what will transpire - as you look at the forces at play with ISIS expanding, Syria turned to rubble, Iraq in a endless death spiral, Yemen's civil war, Egypt's war with the Brotherhood, ISIS in Libya and in Northern Africa expanding. Let us not forget the 100 year conflict with the Palestinians. The region has been smoldering into oblivion for decades. It  has been unfolding for decades. There is a force that is more powerful than Israel, hard to believe, but history takes a back seat to no one. To move the Palestinians to Jordan will only create ISIS next door to Israel. Therefore, Israel needs to decide? An inept Hamas next door or what appears to be any army conquering lands all across the Middle East, ISIS? Israeli's are safe now because ISIS has yet to target Israel. Once Israel transfers by force 6 million Muslims across the river, not sure how that move adds to Israel's security. Israeli's could wake up one day to find all of the Arab world is controlled by ISIS. That is highly likely since ALL Arab regimes lack legitimacy and as corrupt as the infinite universe. I didn't get to Iran's nuclear prowess and possible threat to Israel.

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