It seems self-evident by Israel not agreeing to allow the Palestinians liberation in their own state or citizenship within Israel it stands to reason perpetual conflict and oppression is the default choice. This is why those who love Israel cannot under any moral rational support the state. It is impossible to defend the indefensible. A decision - be it by default or otherwise - to continue the oppression of people is morally repugnant. I see all the good in Israel but at the same time the bad consumes it like cancer. This is a bridge too far to cross for most people.
- A "Palestinian" state, no, the "Palestinian" project exists solely to obviate the existence of Jews from the Holy Land. There is no "oppression" of a people who are explicitly at war with you. You can be soldiers or victims, not both.ReplyShare
- I can't help your delusions. I don't see soldiers, tanks, airplanes, or navy. I see human beings, mostly kids and women, if you dare or CARE to look at all the victims of Israeli might. You want to rationalize in such black and white terms to make it more morally palatable, that is your prerogative. That doesn't change the fact you are wrong and deluded. The notion Israel has anything to fear from rock throwers and kite flyers is a sick joke but I am not laughing!
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