Wednesday, December 9, 2015

When will the world say enough is enough to Saudi Arabia?

For too long I have expressed the view that the main source of radicalism in the Islamic faith begins and ends in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states.  The petrol money has been used to fuel this radicalism. This is not rocket science and yet for too long our government has looked the other way.  We all know the interest of oil money and oil companies trumps everything else but that has to stop. To be able to win the "war on terror" we have to deal with the religious ideology/theology that is coming out of Mecca. The Wahhabi brand of Islam is about as radical and backward as it gets. The Koran like any other religious text is open to interpretation - whether the fanatics acknowledge that fact or not. Why couldn't the branch of Sufi Islam be mainstream? The branch that can co-exist with modernity - and other religions - and other interpretations - and co-exist with secular society and government? Those ingredients are essential to ensure greater harmony and advancement in a society. Wahhabi Islam is a relic of the 7th century and it should be condemned, shunned and rejected. Instead,  we have closed our eyes to the abuses in Saudi Arabia perpetrated against their own people - women, gays and other religious sects. We have ignored the funding of extremism abroad – not to mention 9/11 was carried out by Saudi’s. That has to end. Even more disgusting as we learn that Saudi Arabia did not offer to accept one single refugee from Syria - but after Germany and other Western countries accepted to allow thousands to migrate, Saudi Arabia announced to fund the building of 200 mosques for them in Europe. Are you fucking kidding me? I read somewhere Saudi Arabia built over 1,500 mosques worldwide? Any wonder why this religion is a breeding ground for jihadists, fanatics and throwbacks?  It's good to see the German foreign minister express the obvious, it's about fucking time. And more is needed by all Christian nations.

Germany's vice-chancellor has publicly accused Saudi Arabia of financing terrorists in the West.
Sigmar Gabriel claimed the country was funding mosques linked to extremism, which he said were becoming a threat to public security.

In an interview with German newspaper, Bild am Sonntag, Mr Gabriel said: “We have to make clear to the Saudis that the time of looking away is over.
“Wahhabi mosques all over the world are financed by Saudi Arabia.

“Many Islamists who are a threat to public safety come from these communities in Germany.”

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