Monday, June 4, 2007

Democratic Debate

The democratic debate last night couldn't be any more boring or pathetic in it's utter superficiality and scripted blandness. I just can't imagine any democrat walked away from that debate feeling any better about their choices. We all know Kucinich and Gravel made the most sense but we also know commonsense is not what always sells in American politics. The group think is in place as we don't see much daylight between the top 5 and the bottom two figures become decoration. I have a strong feeling people will tire with this group of democrats very quickly. It seems the more people watch these characters, the less good they see in them. Hilary was her robotic screechy self. Biden was in his I'm the smartest and coolest guy in the crowd and I got a big mouth to prove it routine. Obama is sliding deeper into no mans land where his words are coming more and more from scripted pollsters than coming from his heart. His star is fading. Edwards killed himself saying first thing he would do is travel all around the world. It's not smart to tell the people who will hire you during wartime that your first priority is to get on a Air Force One and travel the world to spread some love. I didn't get that one. Edwards should have enough commonsense to know actions speak louder than words. If he wants to re-establish America's moral authority - no meeting can take the place of taking action. Everyone but those in Foxland know why we are hated all over the world. The closure of Guantanamo for starters, the withdrawal of our troops from Iraq and the pressuring of Israel to withdraw to 67 borders would do more to re-establishing our moral authority than anything a trip around the globe will accomplish.

He looked and sounded very light. The Hilary is not electable bandwagon will start adding passengers soon. I still think we have a few surprises ahead of us. I wouldn't discount Gore jumping in.

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