Sunday, May 20, 2007

Ron Paul for President?

There is no better way to gauge the decline of a society than by looking at who gets elected to office. The people vote to determine who they want to lead them. George Bush was elected twice. The political indicators all show great decline. If you measure the decline from Washington to Jefferson, to Roosevelt and to Eisenhower - to George Dubya of today, it's a scary drop.

That's were declines begin in empires or in any nation, it starts from the top and the people we elect. You can look at economic decline, social decline and other measurements to make any argument but nothing is so crystal clear as seeing the decline from the oval office on down. Forget about zero savings, high trade and budget deficits and the talk about decline of dollar and standard of living, just look at the leadership and you will see the state of our union in perfect 3 dimensional clarity once Bush opens his mouth.

To bring it further into illumination, let's look at Ron Paul. A classic example of reality gone amuck. Here is a guy who has to defend his republican credentials to the mainstream media? His positions on taxes are more republican than any nutball running, he wants to eliminate the IRS and put in place a fair tax. That's republican values to extreme but we are told he is a fringe Libertarian, as though wanting less government, less taxes, less American entanglements abroad are not republican hallmarks but big spending, nation building and constant warring are republican values. Ron Paul is more republican and more conservative than the entire party put together.

It's absurd this debate is even going on while those republicans in power should be defending their NOT SO republican record. For the religious right morons, you can throw their way a judge here and judge there and they will be happy, but for other republicans, whether fiscal consvervatives or American firsters on trade and foreign policy, like Ron Paul and Buchanan wing or those republicans worried about immigration, this republican party has offered them nothing - in fact pursued policies completely to the detriment of all these core beliefs.

Back to Ron Paul, how this guy can be questioned of his republican credentials, marginalized and made to appear his views sit on the far fringes of the political spectrum when in fact his views are shared by the majority of the American people is a telling sign we are going the wrong way. Who wouldn't like to see IRS disappear? Who wouldn't like to see war in Iraq ended and troops home now? Who wouldn't like to see American foreign policy reflect American values? Who wouldn't like to see smaller government and more liberty?

But our society is in decline and no better way to witness this decline than to see who we elect. We continue to be fooled by these charlatans and chameleons in Washington. The media plays around with this fictionalized reality sold as news and some people don't dare to think outside of the tube box.

The day this nation elects people like Ron Paul is the day we can say this country was re-born.

Having said all of that, I don't claim to share all of Ron Paul's views but there is no denying his passion for the constitution and liberty - and I say you can't go wrong with those two in your favor.

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